In November, Alice travelled to Barcelona for the kick-off meeting of the SPM4.0 project, an innovative Marie Curie Skłodowska Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) designed to advance the capabilities of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) and revolutionise its application in Life Sciences and Medicine.
SPM4.0 researchers meet for the first time at IBEC, Catalunya
As part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) programme, the SPM4.0 project will be funded for 4 years with around 4 million euros. During this period, 16 young researchers will be trained in the science and technology of autonomous Scanning Probe Microscopes powered by Artificial Intelligence.
One of these positions will be based in our group at the University of Sheffield and will be advertised shortly. The recruited researcher will receive state-of-the-art multidisciplinary scientific training in advanced scanning probe microscopy and machine learning, and its application in biological and medical contexts, focussing on the recognition of essential DNA-protein interactions. They will have the opportunity to undertake secondments at Sorbonne University, IBEC and Bruker Nano in Berlin, supported by a generous training budget. If you’re interested in this project, please get in touch with Alice.
In addition to their scientific education, this new generation of researchers will receive training in complementary skills to prepare them for the research job market. They will participate in training sessions on data management, open science, scientific communication, intellectual property rights and entrepreneurship.
For more information, please check out the press release from IBEC here.